Hard of Hearing

How can you hear God speak? You’ve probably heard one of God’s overconfident spokespersons make a suspicious claim about what God said to them. Maybe you had a time when you thought that God was speaking to you, but later you doubted it. Hearing from a God who is not known to speak audibly to humans can be tricky. This message looks at some interesting claims that Jesus and other prophets made about hearing from God.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you https://bible.com/events/29163391

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What’s Up Doc?

As has often been said, “A house divided cannot stand,” and yet it seems that we live in a world where we can’t escape division. This message looks at how Jesus handled divisive Catch-22 situations and how his early followers sought the difficult struggle towards unity.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you https://bible.com/events/26748574

Full Service Available on Facebook Live

Meridian Church of God Facebook Page
Meridian Church of God YouTube Channel

Turbulent Times

Over the last 244 years of America’s history, there have been times of war, times of peace, times of hardship, times of prosperity, times of mourning, and times of celebration. Most would say that we are currently in a turbulent time. This message looks at a few people who exercised helpful leadership in turbulent times.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you https://bible.com/events/22577236

Full Service Available on Facebook Live or YouTube

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Meridian Church of God YouTube Channel

No Small Problem

What makes you feel small? There is a unique story that is told in all four Gospels that will make you re-examine what it means to be small.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you https://bible.com/events/21571780

Full Service Available on Facebook or YouTube

Meridian Church of God Facebook Page
Meridian Church of God YouTube Channel

Like Father, Like Son

The relationship between fathers and their children can be complicated. No matter what your experience has been like with your own father, Jesus told a powerful story that offers hope.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you https://bible.com/events/19800729

Meridian Church of God Facebook Page
Meridian Church of God YouTube Channel


The circumstances of the past several months have left many of us frustrated. In addition to the stresses of COVID-19, many are growing weary of racial tension and talk of prejudice. This message looks at how the frustration has the potential to end with hope.

As you listen to the podcast you can http://bible.com/events/18889795

Full Service Available on Facebook Live

Meridian Church of God Facebook Page
Meridian Church of God YouTube Channel