Ready For The Storm 02: Keep on Asking

“Keep On Asking”: Life can make us wear down. Sometimes we wonder if doing good is worth it, and we are tempted to run from the challenges of life. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus offered words of hope to people who felt like giving up on something important.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you version events here.

The Blessed Life 09: Anxiety

“Anxiety”: What makes you anxious? Most of us worry about running out of money or something else that we need. This message looks at some observations that Jesus and a few other thinkers had about anxiety.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you version events here.

The Blessed Life 08: Desires

“Desires”. “Sometimes it’s difficult to know what we want. Human hearts are often filled with competing desires that can be confusing. This message looks at what four notable people said was important to know about the heart. Their insights are rich with helpful perspective.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you version events here.

The Blessed Life 07: Nothing to Prove

“Nothing to Prove”- Why do people want to impress others? Why do we feel so much pressure to keep up appearances and appear to be doing better than we really are? This message looks at some words that Jesus gave that cut through to the heart of our desire to be admired.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you version events here.

The Blessed Life 03: Exceedingly Righteous


It’s human to try to impress and project an image we want others to have of us. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke to human hearts about a new and better way to righteousness.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you version events here.

The Blessed Life 02: Salt and Light


Ever feel like you’ve got nothing good to say or to contribute? Have you ever had a desire to make a difference but felt unable to do much? If so, you may be interested in what Jesus had to say in his most famous message.

As you listen to the podcast you can follow along at you version events here.